Exposing the Dangers of Blue Light and UV Radiation
Where does blue light come from, and how does it affect our eyes?
Life has sped up and become more comfortable for modern humans thanks to the fascinating progress of modern technology. We can check our emails on the go, set up dates with the flick of a finger, and stock up on groceries with the click of a mouse. However, there is a price to pay for efficiency. Unfortunately, new health problems have emerged with the development of smartphones and other electronic gadgets.
It has been shown that the blue light emitted by electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops is hazardous to the retina of the eye. Blue light causes significant eye damage, and the average American now spends over three hours a day staring at a screen.
LED lights, prevalent in many public places such as hospitals, schools, and supermarkets, also generate blue light, which may be detrimental to humans.
Without eye protection, prolonged exposure to blue light may cause permanent damage to the eyes, especially the retina. The retina, which is responsible for the encoding processing of light, is vulnerable to age-related macular degeneration when it sustains damage.
UV Light Explanation and Effects on Human Eyes
In addition to the blue light emitted by our electronic devices, we are also subjected to the blue violet light or UV radiation, both of which may cause serious health problems. This kind of radiation comes from the sun but may also enter our buildings via the glass of our cars, offices, and homes.
Sunglasses are a must to shield our eyes from harmful UV rays. Cataracts, the clouding of the lens in the eye that causes blurred vision, may develop from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation if sufficient precautions are not taken.
An Emerging Path Forward
After spending much too much time highlighting the perils of blue and UV light, let's turn our attention to the light at the end of the tunnel, which is neither blue nor dangerous.
Some kinds of blue light are essential for human eyesight, and this fact should not be overlooked.
As a result, it's preferable to block out the potentially dangerous blue light while letting in the beneficial portions. We're pleased to inform that several manufacturers have incorporated cutting-edge scientific research into their products to design eyewear that filters out potentially damaging blue and ultraviolet light while letting beneficial light flow through.
Hints for Limiting the Dangers of Blue and UV Light
Be kind to your eyes. Learn how to protect yourself against blue light's negative effects with these easy steps.
Take a back seat! If only for 20 minute stretches at a time. Avoid staring at bright displays for long periods of time, particularly at night when your body needs rest. The blue light emitted by smartphones has been shown to suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that signals to the body that it is nighttime.
Increase your rate of eye blinking. Appears elementary, and in fact it is. Blinking helps maintain healthy eye moisture.
If you have to work a night shift or use electronics in the evening, you may want to invest in a pair of glasses that filter out blue light.
What's the good news? Many IT firms are well aware of the problems caused by blue light and are working tirelessly to find a remedy. Prevention of eye damage from blue and UV radiation is entirely achievable thanks to their work, the creation of specific eyeglass lenses, and your own careful attention to protecting your vision.
Please see your eye care provider if you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of blue light-blocking lenses or other solutions.