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Dry eyes affect nearly everyone at some point. If your eyes aren't producing enough tears, you'll experience dry eyes. This can be due to seasonal allergies, overwork, lack of sleep, or a medical condition.

Tears' primary job is to protect the cornea, the transparent covering at the front of the eye. Your eyes will be nourished and protected by the tears, which have a lubricating effect. When your tear glands dry up, it's very unpleasant to have dry eyes. Dry eye syndrome, which occurs when dry eyes go untreated, is a chronic condition.

One or more of the following are symptoms of dry eye:

Eye pain (burning/stinging)

A gritty sensation, like dust or dirt is in the eye.

- Periods of extreme dryness followed by bouts of profuse tear production

The eyes are bloodshot, red, or painful.

Frequent Occasions of Eye Disorientation

- Eye fatigue

Awful contact lenses

Incapable of maintaining focus on a visual source, such as a book, computer, or TV

Natural Solutions for Dry Eyes at Home

There are other remedies that may help relieve your dry eye, in addition to the over-the-counter eye drops and gels. It may help to increase the amount of vegetables you eat and the amount of water you consume. If you feel like the dry air is making it harder to sleep, or if you work in a particularly dry environment, you should consider turning off any fans in your immediate vicinity. You can get instant relief by placing a warm, wet washcloth over your eyes and leaving it there for a minute or two.

Questions to Ask Your Optometrist About Dry Eyes

Seek immediate medical attention from an eye doctor if eye drops or other at-home remedies do not alleviate your symptoms. There are many causes of dry eyes, therefore it's important to talk to your doctor about the following options to alleviate the condition and pain:

- Ask your doctor for advice on purchasing a home humidifier to help alleviate your symptoms.

Find out if there are any vitamins or nutritional supplements that can help you maintain healthy eye moisture. Fatty acids and some fish oils have been linked to positive effects. Dietary supplement dosage should also be discussed with your primary care physician.

Try out these punctuational plugs and see if they work for you. To raise the tear film and surface moisture of the eye, these small, biocompatible devices are put into the tear ducts to restrict drainage.

Anti-inflammatory Cyclosporine is effective in treating dry eyes, but you need a prescription to get it. It may take 3-6 months of twice-daily use of this long-term medication before any noticeable effects are shown.

Should you use corticosteroid eye drops? If inflammation reduction is essential, they will assist.

Inquire about protective eyewear, such as wrap-around glasses or sunglasses, if your job involves exposure to dust or vent particles.

Get your eyeglasses or contacts custom fit by your doctor so they sit flush against your face if you need them.

Ask about custom side shields made to fit your eyewear. These may aid reduce tear evaporation from the ocular surfaces.

If you have this problem and wear contact lenses, see if your doctor can suggest a different type of lens or if cutting back on wear time will help.

Once the underlying cause has been identified, it is crucial that you adhere to the treatment plan developed by your eye doctor. Doing so will lessen the likelihood of complications and, more importantly, put you on the path to shedding those sweet, comforting tears.

You can reach out to the experts at if you have any further questions or feedback about dry eyes.

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