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There's a good chance that you or someone you know has trouble seeing. It's annoying when you can read a traffic sign but miss a label that's just inches away from your face. It's not only annoying; it's perplexing and inconvenient, too. Because we at seekoptics.com think that information is power, we've included some basic definitions, symptoms, and remedies for some of the most prevalent eye diseases.

Myopic (nearsighted)

Eyesight allows for clear vision of nearby objects but causes blurred or distorted vision of those that are farther away. An astounding 30% of Americans suffer from nearsightedness. If the eyeball is excessively long or the cornea (the transparent front covering of the eye) is too curved, nearsightedness will result. This causes a misfocus of light upon entering the eye. While there is a genetic component to nearsightedness, it may also be acquired by prolonged close-up activities such as reading, computer use, and other similar pursuits.
Symptoms: Eye strain, headaches, and weariness when driving or playing sports are all symptoms of nearsightedness, in addition to the inability to see distant things well. Sometimes people only experience nighttime nearsightedness. Since the pupil dilates more in the dark, more unfocused light from the periphery enters the eye, making it more difficult to perceive faraway things.
Nearsightedness is typically treated with the use of corrective eyewear, such as eyeglasses. An effective corrective lens will diminish the optical power of the eye, functioning much like a reverse magnifying glass. Most nearsighted people only put on their glasses when they need to see well in certain situations.
One afflicted with farsightedness (hyperopia) has sharp vision for items at a distance but has difficulty focusing on those that are closer, particularly words. This develops when either the eyeball is too small or the cornea is excessively flat. This prevents the eye from focusing incoming light properly.
The inability to concentrate on nearby things is only one of the symptoms of farsightedness; additional symptoms include eye strain, tiredness, headaches, and hurting or burning eyes.
Treatment: Corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses may help people who are farsighted see well again. These lenses change the way light enters the eye to improve near vision without impairing far vision.
It's possible that modest instances of farsightedness may be corrected by the eyes themselves. Optometrists may also recommend corrective lenses for glasses or contact lenses to change how light enters the eyes and improve near vision.
Although you may have heard the term glaucoma a million times, you may not fully understand what it means. It's crucial to learn about it since it's the second largest cause of blindness in the United States. The optic nerve is gradually destroyed by a set of diseases known collectively as glaucoma. Damage to the optic nerve causes blindness. Primary open-angle glaucoma, the most prevalent kind, progresses slowly and often asymptomatically over many years. Visit www.Glaucoma.org for additional information on this eye disease.
Symptoms: As was previously said, glaucoma often manifests itself insidiously. However, glaucoma may be detected by routine screenings, which can detect alterations to the optic nerve and the increasing loss of peripheral vision. Those who suffer from close-angle glaucoma may have acute ocular discomfort, the perception of halos around lights, red eye, elevated intraocular pressure, and the gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
You may be astonished to learn that glaucoma cannot be cured and that those who have it must take medication for the rest of their lives. However, with early detection and ongoing treatment, glaucoma patients may maintain some degree of visual acuity. Typically, the first line of defense is using prescribed eye drops regularly. Ongoing medication, laser therapy, or even surgery may be necessary for certain patients. See our earlier post, 7 Answers to Common Eye Exam Questions, for additional details on glaucoma testing.
Presbyopia occurs when there is a change in the shape of the crystalline lens of the eye. Presbyopia makes it difficult, if not impossible, to concentrate on nearby items, such as reading tiny text. While the onset of presbyopia may appear abrupt, it really develops gradually from infancy forward.
The American Optometric Association claims that presbyopia is not a disease and hence cannot be avoided. Presbyopia is common as a result of the aging process and may exacerbate other visual issues such farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism.
Blurred vision at a normal reading distance, eye tiredness, and headaches for no apparent cause are the initial signs of presbyopia.
Typically, doctors will recommend reading glasses, multifocal lenses, or contact lenses for those suffering from presbyopia. As was previously said, constant use of eyeglasses may be the best option for those whose presbyopia is accompanied by other visual problems.
Some of these visual problems may go undetected by routine vision examinations like those given in schools or as part of the hiring process. However, these frequent issues may be diagnosed and treated with the use of a thorough and comprehensive optometric examination.
Professional assistance is available at seekoptics.com if you have any more questions or feedback on these or any other aspects of vision impairment.

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